The reception comes at the outset of the private meeting held by the technical committee of the AU in our country, a member of the aforementioned tribunal. The meetings will take place in the period from November 21 to December 2, 2022, as part of the review process of the Statute and Rules of Procedure of the said judicial committee of the AU.
On this occasion, Mr. M hammed Abdenaboui welcomed, on behalf of the Kingdom of Morocco, the members of the technical committee and expressed his gratitude for choosing Morocco to host the committee while they review the Statute and Rules of Procedure of the AU Administrative Tribunal.
The consultative meeting of Tribunal judges, which will last for 12 days, shall focus on reviewing the current Statute and Rules of Procedure of the Administrative Tribunal adopted by the Council of Ministers in 1966 and 1967. These two documents currently need to undergo review in order to stay abreast of the institutional and structural shifts the African Union has witnessed.
The Committee shall also discuss issues pertaining to the structure of the internal judicial system, the appointment of judges and their term of office, the internal review mechanism, the right to appeal, personal and material competencies, deadlines for submitting applications, submission requirements, resorting to mediation, the conduct of judicial hearings, emergency justice, compensation for moral and material damages, and compensation before and after the verdict.
The AU Administrative Tribunal is an independent body tasked with the management of the internal judicial system of the African Union. Its competences include the African Union, the AU Commission, organs, specialized agencies, missions, and AU liaison offices found across Africa and beyond.
Section16, CP 1789, Hay Riyad, Rabat