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Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Upon his request, the Minister of Justice, Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, attended the weekly meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power held on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in the application of the provisions of Article 54 of the Organic Law No. 100.13 on the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power.

On this occasion, the President Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power underlined the positive indicators for coordination between the Council and the Minister of Justice in the field of judicial administration, namely regarding the joint committee on coordination in judicial administration, regulated by the joint amended text between the President Delegate and the Minister of Justice, which was signed on April 6, 2021, and promulgated in the official gazette No. 6988 on May 20, 2021.

The Minister of Justice delivered a detailed presentation about judicial administration, which included a set of data on the proper administration of justice, highlighting the different decisions and measures he made as head of the ministry. The Minister also presented data on open workshops at the level of courts’ infrastructure, and the workshop on digitalization and human resources capacity building.

It is worth mentioning that Article 54 of the Organic Law No. 100.13 on the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power stipulates the possibility of the Minister of Justice attending Council meetings, upon the request of the Minister or the Council, so as to present data and information on judicial administration or any other topic related to the proper administration of justice, without prejudice to the independence of the judicial power.


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  • +212 537 73 95 40/41
  • +212 537 72 13 37
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  • +212 537 91 93 05