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Tuesday, June 7, 2022
As part of its outreach program, the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power (CSPJ) held, on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, a forum on “the Role of Commercial Justice and Procedures’ Digitization in Stimulating Investment and Achieving Development” at its pavilion at the International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat, organized under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

In his intervention, the President of the Commercial Court of Casablanca, Mr. Saffoury Abdelouahed, said that stimulating investment and achieving development are contingent upon a strong commercial justice capable of protecting investment in its national and international contexts, especially in the aftermath of globalization. He also noted that the role of the commercial judge is not confined to the conventional duty of adjudicating disputes between parties by enforcing the law on cases brought before him, but rather extends to new roles with deeper dimensions aimed at stimulating investment and achieving development through protecting small businesses as an economic unit.

Mr. Saffoury affirmed that the Kingdom of Morocco continues to lay the foundations for a community with a sense of solidarity where everyone enjoys security, freedom, dignity, and equality, and where development and economic take-off are achieved. Commercial justice plays a pivotal role in attaining these noble and lofty purposes, notably with regard to stimulating national investment and attracting foreign ones. Mr. Saffoury also stressed the significant importance of investment and its great contribution to keeping abreast of the country’s social and economic development, taking into account the positive impact of a developed economy on individuals and society in achieving social peace and security, and enshrining trust and confidence needed in social relations.

On another note, the speaker underlined that courts’ digitization is an ongoing project based on rendering justice at the service of citizens. In this regard, the message His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent to the participants in the international conference in Marrakech on “Justice and Investment” on October 21, 2019, stressed the importance of adopting paperless processing of legal procedures and judicial regulations, and the involvement of all stakeholders in the justice system in the sector’s digital transition.

For his part, the President of the Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation, Mr. Saadaoui Es Said, listed a series of Court of Cassation’s decisions demonstrating the orientations of the judiciary in stimulating investment. He also asserted that the judiciary has a substantial influence on attracting investment and achieving economic development by issuing just and fair judgments that allot everyone their due, and purify the economic environment from parasites that impinge on serious investors, as in the case of the decisions issued by commercial courts regarding the difficulties faced by small businesses. These decisions targeted the companies that represent an obstacle and should be removed from the economic fabric, as well as imposed sanctions on those which do not abide by the laws governing the business climate.

Mr. Saadaoui said that the Court of Cassation spared no effort to issue efficient decisions that encourage and safeguard investment, making reference to a number of decisions issued by the Court of Cassation aiming at stimulating investment and promoting a sound economic environment.

CSPJ’s pavilion at the International Book and Print Fair in Rabat receives constant visits from prominent national names and attracts a large number of the Fair’s visitors.


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