In this regard, Mr. Zaoug Mohammed, a member of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, said that the Code of Judicial Ethics has entered into force about a year ago to introduce judges to a range of behaviors and ethics they should abide by, affirming that judges have always been known for their righteousness, and that the people have an abiding confidence in their unflinching resolve to uphold the principles of the rule o law.
Mr. Zaoug stressed that professional ethics are the pillar of every profession. The latter has a commonly accepted or written code of ethics called professional ethics. The judicial code of ethics introduces judges to the methodology of work and their rights and obligations, so as to avoid any misconduct.
Mr. Zaoug added that the role of the CSPJ is to enshrine judicial ethics. It is an essential and exclusive role for no other party has the right to deliberate on judges’ ethics, in conformance with the independence of the judicial power. He then proceeded with enumerating judicial ethics headlines, namely independence, impartiality, probity, equality, integrity, efficiency, diligence, reservation, audacity, eloquence, courtesy, and respectful appearance. Mr. Zaoug gave examples of the applications of the ethics of the judicial profession and other interpretations of different ethical principles from the judicial reality.
For his part, Mr. Elhadri Hassan, deputy Inspector General of Judicial Affairs of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, considered that the judge is governed by many constraints as soon as he is sworn into the judiciary. He swears to discharge his duties with impartiality and devotion, to uphold the qualities of reverence and dignity, to preserve the confidentiality of deliberations in a manner that safeguards the prestige and the independence of the judiciary, and to commit to the fair application of the law; thus, following the path of an honest judge
In the same respect, Mr. Elhadri said that the judge is required to dispense justice fairly, render judgments within a reasonable time, and avoid receiving any orders or pressure that may influence his judgments. He also underlined the role of the General Inspectorate in enshrining these principles at the central and decentral levels.
For his Part, Mr. Ainane El Habib, head of the Complaints and Grievances Management Unit of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, delivered a detailed presentation on the Council’s complaints management mechanism, explaining the types of complaints that are part of the Council’s competences, under the two Organic Laws of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power and the Statute for Judges.
It is worth noting that the outreach meetings organized by the Council at its pavilion at the International Book and Print Fair are broadcasted live on the CSPJ’s website.
Section16, CP 1789, Hay Riyad, Rabat