In his speech on the occasion, the President Delegate stressed that the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly to designate March 10th of each year the International Day of Women Judges, confirms that the adoption of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and gender equality, would contribute immensely to advance the achievement of all sustainable development goals and objectives.
The President Delegate added that the aforementioned resolution consolidates the trend based on the active participation of women, on an equal basis with men, in decision-making at all levels, as an essential step to achieving equality, sustainable development, peace and democracy. In addition to its focus on committing to develop and implement appropriate and effective national strategies and plans, in order to improve the position of women in judicial justice systems and institutions at the level of leadership and administrative ranks, among other things.
The President Delegate considered that the celebration of the International Day of Women Judges by the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power is a support of the presence of the Moroccan woman and her equal participation with men in the judiciary. She has always achieved important gains thanks to the care His Majesty Mohammed VI provided since His accession to the throne of his blessed ancestors, for women’s cultural, social, political and economic status and rights.
After presenting statistics on the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco to enhance the presence of women in the judiciary, the President Delegate affirmed that the Council, which is proud to be chaired by His Majesty the King, considers the celebration of the International Day of Women Judges, one year after its adoption by the United Nations, an opportunity to celebrate all Moroccan women judges. As well as an occasion to praise their honorable achievements, their fruitful service to justice, and their valuable contributions to the consolidation of the principles of justice and judicial security.
The President Delegate recalled the vision of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power which encourages women judges to compete for judicial responsibility positions, in implementation of the constitution and the Moroccan law, and in reference to the 37th measure of the Council’s strategic plan, which stipulates “striving towards parity in assigning responsibilities, taking into account efficiency and equal opportunities.”
Section16, CP 1789, Hay Riyad, Rabat