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Thursday, May 19, 2022
The twinning agreement between the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power and the High Council of Justice of Belgium was resumed on May 19, 2022, in Rabat. The agreement, supported by the European Union (EU) and the Belgian Development Agency, is implemented by a Belgian collective including the Belgian federal public justice service, the Belgian High Council of Justice, the Council of Courts of Appeals and Courts of First Instance, and the Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

The meeting reviewed the programs implemented and the projects scheduled to be carried out before the end of the year.

It is worth mentioning that the twinning agreement, signed on May 2, 2019, was suspended due to Covid-19 constraints and the appointment of new Belgian officials responsible for the implementation of projects. Today’s ceremony declares its resumption. 

The agreement aims to accompany and support the reform of the Moroccan judicial system, to boost and bolster the capacities of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, to promote the independence of Morocco’s judicial power, through fostering judicial competencies and opening up to the best judicial practices. The agreement also aspires to accompany the process of moralization of public life and the state of rights and institutions, and ensure the proper functioning of the judicial system so as to meet users’ expectations.

The meeting was presided over by the President Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, Mr. M’hammed Abdennabaoui, and the President of the Belgian High Council of Justice, Ms. Lucia Dreser. It was also attended by Ms. Véronique Petit, the Ambassador of Belgium to Morocco, representatives from the delegation of the European Union in Rabat, and high officials at the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power.


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