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Thursday, June 23, 2022
The Supreme Council of the Judicial Power (CSPJ) held an outreach meeting with judicial ethics counselors (Honorable First Presidents and General Prosecutors of the King of different Courts of Appeals) on “Respecting Judicial Ethics”, on Thursday, June 23, 2022, at the Council’s headquarters in Rabat.

In his speech on the occasion, CSPJ’s First President, Mr. M Hammed Abdenaboui, noted that the Council’s interest in professional ethics stems from the heart of the Judiciary, which is based upon strict ethics. This is manifested in the status ethics occupy in legal and constitutional texts on the Judiciary.

The First President stressed that the key principles and values of the Judiciary, namely independence, impartiality, integrity, righteousness, commitment, and fair application of the law, are all ethical principles.

Regarding the context of the adoption of the Code of Judicial Ethics, the First President underlined that the Council’s Organic Law No. 100. 13 has enabled it to put in place a Code that “comprises values, principles, and rules that judges must abide by when carrying out their judicial duties and responsibilities” in compliance with the objectives set out in Article 106 of the said Law. The Statute for Judges also ensures respect for the profession's honor, the judiciary's dignity, and the preservation of its integrity; while taking into consideration judicial norms and traditions.

This outreach meeting is an opportunity to share opinions and brainstorm about provisions of the Code, given that by virtue of its Article 33, Honorable First Presidents and General Prosecutors of the King of different courts take up the responsibility of judicial ethics counselors at the Courts of Appeals, added the President Delegate. They contribute, alongside the rest of the Council’s departments, headed by the Committee on Ethics and Judges’ Independence and the General Inspectorate of Judicial Affairs, to carrying out strategic projects supervised by the Council, and implementing legal commitments to professional ethics and the norms and traditions of the profession established under the two Organic Laws.

The President Delegate stressed the strategic role of judicial ethics Counselors and expressed that he expects them to change certain society’s misconceptions about the judiciary. To this end, it is crucial to create a collective judicial awareness based on responsible professional conscience and giving the best example of judicial ethics in personal and professional conduct, including integrity and righteousness. He also affirmed that all judges share the responsibility of addressing corruption and all other practices impacting judicial ethics and judicial principles. Counselors, however, are responsible for the independence of the judiciary and the protection of courts’ integrity.

As for the implementation of the Code, the President Delegate stated that ethics Counselors “must be akin to compassionate fathers who seek the well-being of their children and lead them towards the right path with wisdom, patience, and fortitude. Fathers, however, may recourse to punishment or discipline to ensure observance. This disciplinary role is the responsibility of the judicial official, and it is a legal and moral obligation he should abide by”.

The President-Delegate added that ethics Counselors are required to present suggestions and recommendations to the Council’s Ethics Committee on the proper application of the Code, suggest the necessary measures and training programs to that end, inform the committee about ethical violations happening within the jurisdictions they oversee, and submit an annual report of their activities to the Committee at the end of next December.


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  • +212 537 91 93 05