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Tuesday, November 30, 2021
The Supreme Council of the Judicial Power organized, Tuesday 30 November 2021, a ceremony in tribute to Mr. Mustafa Fares in recognition of the great services he rendered to the judiciary throughout his distinguished career.

On this occasion, speeches were delivered by the First President of the Court of Cassation, President-Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, Mr. M’HAMMED ABDENNABAOUI; the Prosecutor General of the King before the Court of Cassation; President of the Public Prosecution, Mr. MOULAY HASSAN DAKI; Minister of Justice, Mr. ABDELLATIF WAHBI; and the former Minister of Justice, Mr. MOHAMED AUJJAR; in addition to speeches by members of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power and the Court of Cassation, judges, officials, and employees of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power who worked with him, and the professional associations of judges.

The speakers have unanimously attested to the great services and achievements that Mr. MUSTAPHA FAERS had rendered to the judiciary, throughout his judicial career, which spanned nearly five decades, and was culminated with his appointment in 2010 as President of the Supreme Council (currently Court of Cassation).

It is worth recalling that His Majesty the King renewed his confidence in Mr. FARES in 2017 and named him the first President-Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power during the foundation period (2017-2021).

By the same token, Mr. M’HAMMED ABDENNABAOUI said in his speech that Mr. FARES is a seasoned professional in law, a comprehensive representation of virtuous moral, and an expert in administrative management. He is known by his loyalty to his King and country and his devotion to the sanctities of the homeland, which he carries in his heart and defends it with everything he has. He spent his life serving justice and holding on to its higher values and principles; while striving to execute them in practice.

The President-Delegate also stressed that Mr. FARES symbolizes the history of the Moroccan Judiciary, as he lived through its first stages of labor, after His Majesty’s speech on 09 March 2011 which stated “elevate the judiciary to an independent power”, and the appointment of the Supreme Authority for National Dialogue on the Reform of the Justice System, which Mr. FARES was one of its most prominent components, and he actively participated in its work, whether when he chaired the Judicial Independence Committee, or in the commission's report meetings.

The President-Delegate highlighted the contribution of Mr. FARES as First President of the Court of Cassation in the preparation of the drafts of the two organic laws of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power and the Statute for Judges, before receiving the honor of being nominated on the sixth of April 2017 as First President of the Court of Cassation, first President-Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, and with this Royal honor, he entered history from the widest doors.

The President-Delegate also added that Mr. FARES succeeded in ensuring the independence of the judiciary, building solid bridges of cooperation with other authorities, introducing the judicial power at the international level, and granting it a respectable position among the judicial authorities of other nations, thanks to its initiatives in the field of international judicial relations.


It is worth noting that the honorary ceremony held by the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, to pay tribute to Mr. FARES, was attended by high-ranking patriotic names. In addition to the President of the Public Prosecution Mr. MOULAY HASSAN DAKI and the Minister of Justice ABDELLATIF WAHBI, the ceremony was attended by several officials from national constitutional and administrative institutions, former ministers, members of The Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, judicial officials and heads of chambers of the Court of Cassation, pole officials of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power and the Presidency of the Public Prosecution, administrative officials, presidents of bar associations and representatives of professional judicial associations of judges.


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