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Monday, September 12, 2022
The decision of the President Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power on determining the opening date of the 2022 Second Regular Session according to the agenda attached to the present resolution.

The President Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power;

  • Based on the Constitution, namely its Chapter 116;
  • Based on Dahir No 1.16.40 issued on 14 Jumada II 1437 A.H / corresponding to March 24, 2016, in the application of the Organic Law No 100.13 on the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, namely its Article 57;
  • Based on the Internal Regulation of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, namely its Articles 6 and 7;

Decides as follows:

Unique Article

   The opening date of the 2022 Second Regular Session of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power (September session) shall be on Wednesday, 17 Safar 1444 A.H / corresponding to September 14, 2022, according to the agenda attached to the present resolution.

    Done at the Council’s headquarters in Rabat on 15 Safar 1444 A.H / corresponding to September 12, 2022.

Council Meeting Agenda of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power

 (September, 2022)

  1.  Renew the extension of the retirement age limit for judges (2023-2024);
  2. Determine the judicial positions for judges who were promoted in 2021;
  3. Transfer requests;
  4. Appoint trainee judges of the 44th class;
  5. Disciplinary proceedings;
  6. Military court;
  7. Appoint deputies of judicial officials;
  8. Appoint judges to carry out certain duties;
  9. Vacant responsibility positions;
  10. Honorary titles;
  11. Issue detailed recommendations with regard to certain draft laws;
  12. Various issues.


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Section16, CP 1789, Hay Riyad, Rabat

  • +212 537 73 95 40/41
  • +212 537 72 13 37
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  • +212 537 91 93 05