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Wednesday, May 31, 2023
The Supreme Council of the Judicial Power participates in the 28th edition of the Int’l Book and Publishing Fair, held at OLM Souissi in Rabat from June 1 to 11, 2023, and organized under the high patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, may Allah Bless Him, and under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Communication. The participation comes as part of the Council’s objective to ensure communication with the general public, introduce its activities, and hold discussions about the current issues of judicial matters.

The Council’s participation in the Int’l Book Fair is under the theme: “Judicial Power in the Service of the Rule of Law”. The outreach program comprises 9 colloquia, facilitated by members of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, high officials of the Council, judges from the Court of Cassation and Circuit Courts, lawyers, and university professors.

The program also includes a joint international colloquium with the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad on: “Issues of Moroccans of the World: a Comparative Reading”, and a joint colloquium with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of Accounts on: “Protecting Public Money: Multiple Approaches”, in addition to the Competition Council’s participation in a colloquium on: “Judicial Protection of Investment and Development Challenges”.

On the same note, the Council’s program includes a presentation of the Council’s latest developments and accomplishments, a colloquium on the judicial protection of women and family, a colloquium on employees and business, a colloquium on the judicial protection of real estate property, a round-table discussion highlighting the role of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power in upholding the values of probity and protecting the independence of the judiciary, and a closing session on "The Supreme Council of the Judicial Power and the Digital Publication of Judicial Information".

Throughout the duration of the Int’l Book and Publishing Fair, the Council’s pavilion will be displaying Council publications and over 50 new publications by judges in different fields. Moreover, a museum of judicial memory will also be set up, displaying documents, images, and logistical resources reflecting a part of the history of the judiciary in the Kingdom of Morocco, and an institutional film about the Council will be broadcast in several languages, including sign language, on screens located in the Council's pavilion.

With a view to introducing the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, visitors to the Council's pavilion will be able to pick up a number of brochures about the Kingdom's judicial organization; a presentation of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, its roles, and functions; statistics on the Council's work; the management of judges’ professional status; the Kingdom's judicial portal; and finally, a brochure containing the program for the Council’s participation in the Int’l Book and Publishing Fair.


Section16, CP 1789, Hay Riyad, Rabat

  • +212 537 73 95 40/41
  • +212 537 72 13 37
Email of the General-Secretariat of the Council

Complaints Phone Number
  • +212 537 91 93 05