Mr. MOHAMMED KHALID LAARAYCHI was appointed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI as a member of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power on January 1, 2021.

Mr. LAARAYCHI was born in 1955 in Rabat. He graduated with an engineering degree in 1978. After several years of working in the private sector, he was assigned a mission to the Prime Minister in 1995 and was put in the availability of the Ministery of Higher Education from 1998 to 1999. He then became a Director of the Budget and Equipment Division at the Ministry of Justice until 2004. Later on, Mr. Arachi held the position of Chief Cabinet of the Director General of the Deposit and Management Fund and was tasked with managing some of its subsidiaries until July 2012, when he assumed the position of General Secretary of the Central Authority for the Prevention of Bribery until June 2015.