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Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Council Meeting Agenda of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power (Tuesday, July 23 – Wednesday, July 24, 2024)
  1. Transfer decisions;
  2. Appointment of trainee judges of the 46th class;
  3. Appointments in judicial responsibility positions;
  4. Appointment of deputy judicial officials;
  5. Appointment of heads of departments in family law divisions in certain courts of first instance;
  6. Appointment of judges to carry out certain duties;
  7. Notifying the Council of judges’ case dismissals;
  8. Various issues.

Section16, CP 1789, Hay Riyad, Rabat

  • +212 537 73 95 40/41
  • +212 537 72 13 37
Email of the General-Secretariat of the Council

Complaints Phone Number
  • +212 537 91 93 05