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Friday, May 13, 2022
The activities of the Regional Conference for Justice Inspection, organized on May 11th and 12th, 2022, in collaboration with the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe and the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, concluded in Casablanca with the announcement of the creation of a South Mediterranean Network of Justice Inspection Services.

Morocco, represented by Mr. Abdellah Hamoud, the Inspector General of Judicial Affairs of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, has been selected to chair the Network whose members include along with the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Tunisia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the State of Palestine.

The Network’s constitutive act, read out by Mr. Abdellah Hammoud at the end of the conference’s activities, emphasizes the increasing importance of the role of judicial inspection services in assessing the efficiency of justice, improving citizen’s trust in justice, and strengthening the pillars of the rule of law. It also affirms that this Network shall provide a space for a peaceful and open discussion, to ponder over finding the best versions, and for developing perspectives that ensure the improvement of practice, enhance judicial inspection services, promote their role and position within the judiciary, and increase the capacity of their workers, while taking into consideration the peculiarity of the judicial services of member states.

The act defines the tasks of the Network in coordinating the work between the judicial services of member states, benefiting from best practices to improve performance and increase efficiency and effectiveness, and working with similar relevant international and regional services in order to develop partnerships and organize joint activities in the learning and training field among judicial inspection services.

In conclusion, the participants invited inspection services in the Arab countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean from North Africa and the Middle East to join this Network.


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